Learning Hierarchical Representation in infoGAN

Learning Hierarchical Representation in infoGAN Seung Hee Yoon. Department of Computer Science The University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA, 90089 yoon@usc.edu April 2019 < Code > Fig 1. Desire 0 (left) sets the state that gives the gent engender the intention to cook 'steak' which take ingredients 1 and 2 while the desire 1 (right) is for cooking 'pasta' taking 0 and 3. When considering 'ingredients', the chef must distinguish what is his best deal in terms of the quality of the ingredients. 1. Problem formulation/Modeling/Implementation/Experiment Design What is the Intention code in IRL setting? When people think of their actions, they usually do not think much of their tiny muscle movement and angler forces. Instead, one tends to rather care of higher intention such as walk, run, ‘move arms on the object’, or ‘grab the apple’. Etc. In the field of Inversed Reinforcement Learning, there had be...